A couple of days ago, I got into my car to leave work and looking down at the dashboard saw a sight that was familiar on my old car ... the check engine light was on! My first thought was to utter an obsenity, so I did. Each day there after, on my way to work I vowed that I'd call and make an appointment to take it in to have it looked at. I only have one day off this week and that is Monday -- and of course each day would go by and I'd look at a clock and it was after 5:00 pm. Too late to call to make an appointment ... grrrrrr. So Saturday rolls around and I went on-line to look up the number for the dealer and found out that you
can book service appointments on-line. How cool! So, I set up my profile and went in to make my appointment. Unfortunately there were no spaces available on Monday, but I was able to book on Tuesday morning since I work the PM shift on both Tuesday and Wednesday. The dealership has a nice waiting area with wifi available, so I hope to have a pleasant time waiting for the car to be ready! I think I need to be nicer to this car than the last one ... I admit that I abused the Jeep, but it did last 7 years and 210,000 miles - imagine how long my cars will survive if I take care of them! I'll let you know.
Good night for now!
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