Monday, January 26, 2009

It's been a month . . .

Some may find this amazing - but there is something I haven't done since December 27th - 30 days ago. It's something that I would do at least twice a week for the last several years. I was tempted this past week - but when I realized that I'd gone this long, I decided to fight the desire and not do it. I think those who know me will be surprised, it's a good thing - a step toward bettering myself - making changes in my life. I'm sure anyone reading this is trying to figure out exactly what it is that I've been able to avoid for the past 30 days ... and now I wonder if I should post what it is or ask people to guess in my comment section.
Hmmmmm -- how obnoxious do I feel? Very, I think -- so I'll wait a few days and post what it is that I haven't done in 30 days at the end of the month when I can go the first full month of 2009 without doing it.
So please leave me a comment of what you think it is that I haven't done for this long for the first time in many, many years. Looking forward to hearing from whomever reads this blog to see how well you all know me ... he he
Thanks for checking out my blog and I'll be back later!

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