Friday, June 20, 2008

Things to get used to...

Well, I've been here nearly 4 months now and there are a few things that I'm still not used to.
  1. A major one that I do like is that you are able to make left turns here North Carolina. As the folks in NJ know, it is hard to find many places to make left turns especially on 4 lane roads. I haven't seen a single "jughandle" here in NC!
  2. The next is the fact that you can make U-turns around medians at traffic lights here. A MAJOR offense across the state of NJ - I still find myself passing an intersection and trying to go around the block - which brings me to the next thing -
  3. this section of Charlotte (SouthPark) is not laid out in a grid pattern which means if you miss a turn, it may take 5 or 10 minutes to get back to where you wanted to go - unless you make a U-turn!
  4. You don't need to keep change in the car down here - I haven't seen a toll both since I've been here. Which I am not complaining about.
  5. I miss 24 hour convience stores -- no WaWa's down here and hard to find a 7-11.
  6. I'm undecided on pumping my own gas ... although it can be annoying, you get in and out a lot quicker!
  7. And speaking of gas - get a load of the picture -- 100 octane gas sold at the Texaco station I usually go to --- sorry, I forgot to check on the price...
Well, I think I'm off to bed for tonight and should have a new post in the next couple of days to talk about my trip to Winston-Salem. Thanks for reading and blog to you soon!

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